In this article, we shall discuss how to find the given number is even or odd number.
First of all what is even or odd number?
A even number is which, an integer is divisible exactly by 2 and produces a reminder 0.
For example:0, 2, 4, 6……..2n
If an integer does not exactly divisible by 2 , then it is an odd number. 1, 3, 9……2n-1 are some examples of odd number.
What if maths and python combines?
Most of the coding platforms are depends on maths and many programs are depends on mathematical formulas.
SO, now we are going to discuss, a program below which tells the given number is even or odd number.
In this program , we are going to get input from user and check whether the given value is even or odd.
Now we have given the input as 5 and 4,
And got a output as 5 is an odd number, 4 is an even number.
Hope my first article is helpful!!!!.
Happy coding.