working of factorial

2 min readJul 10, 2021

Hello guys,Welcome you all.I hope that all are safe in this pandemic situation.Those who are not get vaccinated please be aware and get vaccinated and help to fight against corona virus.

Today we are going to talk about factorial.First factorial means it is the product of sequence of decreasing order of numbers.For example (factorial of 5 means 5*4*3*2*1=120).

The program of the factorial is given below.

In this program software asks input from user.Then it gives the factorial of the given number.Here you have to note that the range value is given from one,Because if the range value is given from zero then the for loop assign value zero at last and anything multiples with zero becomes zero.The output of the program is given below.

I hope that you may enjoyed.If you have any queries regarding this program let me know from you. Thank you please follow my page to know about different programs using python.

